Since 1985 – More than 800 datasets

Data Archive catalogue search
Search full-text in data documentations

You can search for specific questions in TÁRKI Data Archive full-text documents (questionnaires, codebooks).

How to use TÁRKI Data archive?

  1. Search our collection using either catalogue search or documentation search. Note: catalogue search will search on datasheets (metadata on data collections either by title, researchers, institutes, abstracts or keywords); documentation search is for searching in codebooks and questionnaires. Some of the documentation is only available in Hungarian.
  2. Select the identifier of the data collection you want to use. The ID number is made up of a letter and a two-digit number (e.g. A01, F99, etc.). These numbers are used to identify a data collection (dataset) unambiguously. ID number details are needed to retrieve your data requests as quickly as possible.
  3. Check the data access category. Note: some of the data collections are embargoed for a period of time (maximum of 5 years). These restricted-access data collections are identified as category D – that is, Delayed dissemination. If you want to use such a collection, you can contact the researcher (primary investigator) or us (mail to: dataarchive@tarki.hu) to request individual access to a restricted-use (category D) data collection. You can check the access categories we use here.
  4. Complete the user declaration form if you are eligible for a discounted data access fee. You can check here whether or not you are eligible.
  5. Download user declaration form (pdf)
    Please, complete all requested fields that are marked. 
  6. Send us your request by e-mail, fax or post. If you are eligible for a discounted data access fee, please complete, sign and send us the declaration form.
    Fax: +36 1 309 7675
    Address: TÁRKI Data Archive, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary
    e-mail: dataarchive@tarki.hu
  7. If you have to pay a data access fee, we will invoice you, and therefore we need your postal address. Note that we provide free access to datasets within the CESSDA and ICPSR network. (See special rules for CESSDA countries and ICPSR members.)
  8. After your invoice is settled, we will send you the requested data collections and documentation via e-mail, or you can download it from our site.
